Inner Journey 1:1

A customized session to meet your individual needs!

In the Inner Journey 1:1, I discuss with you what your intention is and what obstacle you want to overcome.

We dismantle your thoughts and emotions and clear out what is standing in your way so that you are set free and capable of reconnected to your inner wisdom. 

Together we will work out possible approaches and determine the next steps so that you can sustainably integrate your new behavior into the new consciousness and apply it in your everyday life.

Is there a recurring pattern or a behavior that keeps coming up, even though you've been working on it and trying to resolve it for what seems like a gazillion years?

The way we think or behave is strongly influenced by the culture and religion we grow up in and the education we receive. Only that which prevents us in later life from living our authentic self and expressing our light acts as a "disruptive factor" in you.

These behavioral patterns, imprints and entanglements, whether from this or a previous life, are anchored in your body, in your cells and in your energy field.

Unresolved or inherited issues influence your life in many areas, e.g. how you conduct relationships, what habits you have, how you communicate or how you deal with conflicts.

These are often unconsciously inherited from your family of origin, your ancestors or stem from a traumatic experience in a previous life. Often strong, unresolved emotions also play a role, such as anger, resentment, envy, jealousy, hatred, but also sadness, loneliness, longing, etc.

This pattern repeats itself so often that it remains stuck until the cause is recognized and everything associated with it is resolved on all areas of body, mind and soul.

If it is a life theme, it may well be that the issue has to dissolve like an onion, layer by layer, before you get to the root of the cause.

In the Inner Journey 1:1, I support you in breaking down the imprints that no longer serve you and recognizing the originating cause. I provide you with tools suitable for everyday use so that you can continuously train, reprogram and acquire new behaviors.

It is important to heal the body through the soul and the soul through the body.
— Oscar Wilde

The Inner Journey 1:1 is for you if you:

  • want to liberate yourself from within and break free from cultural and social influences.

  • want to get to the root of a recurring pattern and obstructive behavior, release it and integrate a "new" way of behaving.

  • are stuck in a stagnant situation, e.g. at work, in a partnership, in the family, etc. and want to become detached from it.

  • feel an inner blockage that is preventing you from living your life to the absolute full out of your heart.

  • want to recognize and change a repetitive pattern of behavior or communication in interpersonal challenges.

Customized approach

  • Conversation with coaching elements and mentoring

  • Elements of embodiment bodywork

  • Energy work

  • Healing work

  • Aura reading and clearing

  • Akashic Chronicle reading

  • Dowsing & Pendulum work

Inner Journey 1:1

The Inner Journey 1:1 supports you in taking the first step towards a new consciousness and a new way of acting. Finally, you will be able to open a new chapter in your life.

How does this play out in your day-to-day life?

  • You define new habits or rituals and integrate them step by step into your everyday life.

  • You integrate new behaviors and react differently to the same situations, e.g. at work, in relationships and/or in family dynamics.

  • You become more resilient and master daily life more calmly by being mindful of yourself and your resources.

  • You feel freer and more relaxed and can confidently and unburdened start an inner and outer new beginning.

  • You let go of your "old" story and write your new "future self", which is in alignment with your soul and your values.

An Inner Journey 1:1 lasts 75 minutes. The session takes place in Basel or online.

Your total costs CHF 220.-

Usually, 1 to 3 sessions are sufficient to experience a noticeable change in your personal situation.


I am honored to serve as a channel and be guided and directed by my Spirit Team.

I share the wisdom of my spirit team and ancestors and are created within the template of Sacred Space Weaver, The Inner Temple and The White Dragon Linage®.

Her psychic abilities are not detached, but enrich her work immensely!

“The session with Cristina was so beneficial for me!

Cristina guided me through my various matters with her compassionate yet at the same time clear and calm manner.

New visions, ideas and spaces have opened up and the pleasant thing is that I can listen to my sessions again and again, which is really good for me.

Her mediumship has nothing detached about it, but enriches her work immensely!

If you are looking for someone to help you with your various personal concerns, I can wholeheartedly recommend Cristina. She is at your side and together you will find new paths!”

All the best to you with love


What a wonderful combination

“The work with Cristina was amazing! With her wonderful gift of intuitive sensitivity and perceptiveness, she immediately got to the core of my issue and was able to resolve it straight away without having to dive into the heaviness of the topic again.

I felt perfectly supported with the subsequent mentoring because I was given great tools that enabled me to finally implement what I had been putting off for ages.

Cristina works in a very clear and solution-oriented way, but with an incredible amount of heart and compassion. What a wonderful combination. I can only warmly recommend working with her to anyone.

She combines many valuable qualities as a person and mentor.”


Something has been set in motion.

“Cristina has a great gift. She guides you directly to your topic in a straightforward and trusting manner and hits the nail on the head with great clarity.

With immense mediumistic intuition, she recognized old patterns and reflected them back to me on different time levels. She supported me compassionately in looking at them, consciously accepting them and transforming them sustainably. Throughout the process, she gently assisted me with her powerful healing energy. This made it easy for me to release what was allowed to go and to reintegrate what had been transformed.

Something came into motion. Now I feel very confident in my abilities and can relax and devote myself to the next step.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this deeply touching session!”


Hi, mein Name ist Cristina Mascolo.

Ich bin betriebliche Mentorin mit eidgenössischem Fachausweis und Dipl. Coach SCA.

Als Expertin für Herzarbeit führe ich Macher*innen, Selbstständige, Leader*innen und Erfolgsmenschen in einer inneren Reise zu ihrem authentischen Ich sowie in die Herz-Verbindung und Herz-Freiheit.

Frei von alten Grundüberzeugungen und mentalen Limitationen für ein selbstbestimmtes und freies Leben!

Durch meine intuitive Sensitivität und Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit für subtile innere Wahrheiten erkenne ich, wo deine Stolpersteine und Barrieren liegen, und bestärke dich, diese Blockaden vollumfänglich zu lösen. Daraus entstehen dein befreites, authentisches Leben und ein beständiges, fundiertes und erfolgreiches Unternehmen.

Mein Wirken transformiert auf allen Ebenen, denn ich arbeite ganzheitlich, tiefgreifend wirkungsvoll und nachhaltig.